Category: Wikibase

Is Wikibase Right for Your Project?

Article by Jeroen De Dauw. Last updated on 2024-07-06

Explore when Wikibase excels and when to consider alternatives. Learn about its strengths, limitations, and common use cases. Read more

New Extension: Wikibase Export

News item by Jeroen De Dauw. Posted on 2023-02-13

Export Wikibase data via our new easy-to-use MediaWiki extension. Read more

WikidataCon 2021

News item by Jeroen De Dauw. Posted on 2021-11-01

We attended WikidataCon 2021 and presented 3 of our new Wikibase extensions. Read more

Local Media Support for Wikibase

News item by Jeroen De Dauw. Posted on 2020-10-05

You can now use your own images inside of Wikibase with our new extension. A big step forwards for third-party Wikibase adoption! Read more

Semantic Wikibase Released

News item by Jeroen De Dauw. Posted on 2020-09-03

Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki are both powerful tools for creating a collaborative knowledge base. You can now connect the two. Read more

SMW vs Wikibase vs Cargo

Article by Jeroen De Dauw. Last updated on 2020-02-22

What software do you need to manage data/knowledge in your wiki? Historically this was Semantic MediaWiki. Is that still the case, and how do the alternatives stack up? Read more

Using Wikidata in Your Wiki

Article by Professional Wiki. Last updated on 2019-12-18

Imagine the data from Wikidata being available in your own wiki for you to query, visualize and enrich. Imagine you could use all the standard Semantic MediaWiki tools such as interactive inline visualizations on this data. Read more