Migrate your Wiki with Confidence

Our expert team will handle the entire process, ensuring a smooth transition with minimal downtime.

Migrating MediaWiki Illustration

MediaWiki Migration Services

Move your Wiki

Move your MediaWiki

Our experienced team ensures minimal downtime and a seamless transition.

Migrate Your WIki

Migrate to MediaWiki

Switch to MediaWiki effortlessly. Our experts guide you every step of the way.

Upgrade Your Wiki

Upgrade your MediaWiki

Your wiki, your way. We handle the technical side.

Contact us

Move Your MediaWiki

We help you move your wiki from one place to another. Are you moving to the cloud, for instance by using our MediaWiki cloud hosting? Or are you moving your wiki for compliance reasons? Whatever the reason, we have got you covered with our extensive MediaWiki migration experience.

Moving a MediaWiki installation can be challenging and requires technical MediaWiki know-how. Transitioning between different setup forms can complicate matters even further, such as when moving to a containerized approach using Docker.

Our MediaWiki experts ensure a seamless transition that minimizes downtime. Migrating your wiki to a new home is often a good time to upgrade it, install additional MediaWiki extensions, and optimize configuration for security, performance, and sustainability.

Professional Wiki’s hosting has been effortless and their support above and beyond expectation. I especially appreciated the care taken in migrating our sizeable legacy wiki.

Contact us

Migrate to MediaWiki

Are you currently using Confluence, SharePoint, DokuWiki, Notion, Google Docs, or some other system?

Our experts can help you with a cost benefit analysis of switching to MediaWiki. We identify risks and create migration plans.

Once you are set on migration to MediaWiki, we assist you with export, conversion and import. We can create your new wiki for you, including hosting, theme customization, and more.

We can help you with full migration to MediaWiki, with partial import into MediaWiki, and with synchronization of data. Our migration covers rich text, files, structured data, and user accounts.

Wir empfehlen Professional Wiki uneingeschränkt für alle Belange rund um MediaWiki.

Contact us

Upgrade Your MediaWiki

Get access to the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements by keeping your wiki up to date. Let our MediaWiki experts take care of technicalities, ensuring a smooth upgrade with minimal downtime.

Our experts can take care of upgrading MediaWiki, MediaWiki extensions, PHP, web server, the operating system, and more. We can also introduce Infrastructure as Code and Dockerize your wiki or put it on a cluster. We can take full responsibility for the entire process or work together with your teams.

Learn more

Aus unseren Blogs

Embedding External Content in MediaWiki
Embedding External Content in MediaWiki

Embed external content into your wiki pages via our new MediaWiki extension

Semantic MediaWiki vs Wikibase vs Cargo
Managing Data in MediaWiki

What software do you need to manage data/knowledge in your wiki? Historically this was Semantic MediaWiki. Is that still the case, and how do the alternatives stack up?

Top Benefits of Wikis in Your Organization
Top Benefits of Wikis in Your Organization

Learn about the top benefits of using a wiki in your organization for collaboration and Knowledge Management.

Professional MediaWiki Services

Softwareentwicklung Symbol Softwareentwicklung

Erzielen Sie hervorragende Ergebnisse mit erfahrenen MediaWiki-Entwicklern, die Erfahrung beim Entwickeln von MediaWiki-Erweiterungen und -Integrationen haben.

Mehr zu MediaWiki-Entwicklung
Theme-Entwicklung Symbol Theme-Entwicklung

Lassen Sie Ihr Wiki großartig aussehen! Verwenden Sie ein erprobtes responsives MediaWiki-Theme oder lassen Sie uns ein individuelles MediaWiki-Skin für Sie erstellen.

Gestalten Sie Ihr Wiki
MediaWiki-Hosting Symbol MediaWiki-Hosting

Lassen Sie uns Ihr Wiki betreuen und hosten. Wir sind Experten für MediaWiki-Hosting und bieten Cloud-Hosting, dediziertes Hosting und Hosting vor Ort (On-Premises) an.

Wählen Sie das perfekte Wiki-Hosting
MediaWiki-Beratung Symbol MediaWiki-Beratung

Steigern Sie Wert und Qualität Ihres Wikis, indem Sie unsere MediaWiki-Expertise nutzen. Von der Planung bis zur konkreten Implementierung haben wir alles im Griff.

Mehr zu MediaWiki-Dienstleistungen
MediaWiki-Migration Symbol MediaWiki-Migration

Wechseln Sie sorglos zu einem neuen Hosting. Wir migrieren Ihr MediaWiki auf einen neuen Server, oder wir unterstützen Sie beim Umzug von einem anderen Wiki-System zu MediaWiki.

Migrieren Sie Ihr Wiki
MediaWiki-Upgrades Symbol MediaWiki-Upgrades

Wir sorgen dafür, dass Ihr MediaWiki auf dem neuesten Stand und geschützt bleibt. Wir bieten Wartung und Aktualisierung für MediaWiki, damit Ihr Wiki störungsfrei läuft.

Aktualisieren Sie Ihr Wiki